Marinette Chiropractor | Dr. Joshua Kickhaver
I look forward to helping you with your health and wellness goals…

Dr. Joshua Kickhaver
Thousands of dollars, countless tests, multiple medications, and still I missed 32 days of school my fourth grade year. 4 days; that is how much school I missed my fifth grade year after getting relief from chronic migraines after 2 chiropractic adjustments! What a difference.
Hello my name is Dr. Joshua Kickhaver. I have been benefiting from chiropractic care since childhood, and am excited to have an opportunity to pay it forward serving people in Marinette, Menominee, and surrounding areas. While my experience with chiropractic is not uncommon, it was a very important moment in my life. I had been unable to walk at times because of extreme dizziness, accompanied by intense headache pain. My family felt helpless and the look of relief in my parent’s eyes when someone actually addressed the underlying causes of my headaches was indescribable.
Since those first couple adjustments I have been headache free and find the pain free care that chiropractic has offered me an invaluable tool in my health regime. So much so, that I decided at age 12 to be a chiropractor. It still continues to amaze me how much you can learn from helping others and how rewarding this career choice has been.
While chiropractic is known to help relieve acute pain, it can be far more beneficial in preventing chronic illness. It is my goal to help patients meet their health and wellness goals, and provide patients with the most recent information on how to achieve maximum benefits from their care.
In my leisure time I enjoy spending time with friends and family, and being outdoors. The opportunities that the Northwood’s changing seasons present keep me active year round with hiking, road trips, swimming with the dog, and just about anything that gets me outside.
Thanks for taking the time to get to know a little bit about me, I look forward to helping you with your health and wellness goals. Call Stalheim Chiropractic now to schedule an appointment and let’s see how chiropractic care can help you!